
Unleash your
inner philosopher

Away from the largest battlefield and longest race called “life”
into a sea of philosophies and pensive writings,
not forgetting the smaller creative pleasures around us.
Through that, gaining a sense of balance.


  • True Discipline or Mere Inability?
    Self discovery article. Haven’t done or haven’t thought about doing something, when it is troublesome, difficult or impossible to do so, is mere inability. Haven’t done or haven’t thought about doing something, when it is easy or ‘seduced’ to do so, is true discipline. What are your principles?
  • Is Having a Crush Bad When You’re in a Relationship?
    Crush is just a feeling, it is innocent. It is how humans triggered its existence and how we deal with it that determine if the feeling was badly used.
  • Children’s Three-Character Classics (三字經弟子規)
    Children’s Three-Character Classics have been the classical teachings for the young since 1600s to 1800s.
  • You’re Angry Just Because I Love You?
    When excessive love becomes an excuse to cage someone, it is not love anymore – it is manipulation and control in the eyes of your loved one. Love is frequently used as an excuse for our expectations, but love and expectations are two, very, different things.
  • Little Frames
    Ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation could remain as small matters, until we put things up in little virtual frames self-made up in our subsconscious.
  • ISFJ and ISTJ relationship compatibility
    Comparisons and opinions of ISTJ and ISFJ differences based on observation and credible sources.


  • Releasing My Music on Spotify
    I am not a professional but I like listening to, playing, and creating music. Recently, I have launched a website and released 3 songs under the pseudonym of ‘Shermay Teng‘. Perhaps what I’m about to share may benefit some of you. Each song took about a month to complete using Yamaha PSR-EW410 for the composition,… Read more: Releasing My Music on Spotify
  • Taiwanese Sticky Rice (台灣油飯)
    Chewy, fulfilling and aromatic sticky rice Mushrooms gently fried at low heat gives off an umami aroma Recipe ~2 servings Ingredients:Glutinous/sticky rice 糯米 1 cupBraised pork/Chinese sausage/chicken meat 腊肉/腊肠 1/3-1/2 cupDried shrimp 虾米 1 tablespoon Mushroom 香菇 3-4 piecesFried shallot 1-2 shallotsSpring onion 1-2 tablespoonsGarlic 蒜末 3-4 clovesWater 3/4 cup Seasoning:Soy sauce (生抽/豉油/酱油) 1-2 tablespoonsSesame… Read more: Taiwanese Sticky Rice (台灣油飯)
  • Chinese Steamed Bun (饅頭)
    Recipe for Chinese steamed bun (饅頭).
  • Herbal Mutton Soup (藥材慢燉羊肉湯)
    Recipe for herbal mutton soup (藥材慢燉羊肉湯).
  • How I Self-Published My 1st Book
    I wrote and self-published a book in one month. From Research to Dissemination of Discovery is a simplified A-to-Z guide of scientific research and writing. Learn more about my book. HOW DID I DO IT? First of all, I am neither a professional editor nor a seasoned author. Still, I am delighted to share some… Read more: How I Self-Published My 1st Book
  • Taro Pao | Mashed Taro Ball (芋頭包|芋泥球)
    Recipe for taro bun (芋頭包) and cold mashed taro ball (芋泥球).