Arts Culinary Arts Recipes

Char Kuey Teow (炒果條)

Recipe for char kuey teow (炒果條).

Char Kuey Teow


Springy prawns and aromatic Chinese sausage

Slightly browned noodle edges… yummy…


He fen (河粉)
Bean sprouts (豆芽)
Chopped scallion (葱葉)
Shelled cockle (shell removed) (血蛤) (Optional)
Sliced Chinese sausage (腊肠) (Optional)

Seasoning (upon preference):
Oyster sauce (蚝油/蠔油)
Soy sauce (豉油/酱油)
Sesame oil (麻油)
Finely chopped garlic
White pepper
Pork oil (豬油) (Optional)
A thin slice of ginger (Optional)


Mix all seasoning in a bowl except garlic and ginger.
Cut the ingredients where specified and heat oil in pan.
Add the garlic and ginger.
Add the cockle and Chinese sausage when garlic is slightly browned.
When almost cooked, add the bean sprouts, and then add the noodles soon after.
Push noodles aside and fry eggs on a side of the wok.
Add in the remaining seasoning.
Stir fry the ingredients in the wok until noodle edges are slightly golden brown or charred to preference, add the scallion.
When the scallion starts releasing its aroma, plate the noodles and serve hot on a plate lined with a cut piece of banana leaf.


Translation: [Traditional Chinese Medicine] Cockles are warm in nature. They help to regenerate blood, moisturise the five main organs, invigorate the stomach, clear heat, resolve phlegm, relieve soreness and pain, treat heat-induced cough and chest pain.


Taste: ♥♥♥♥♥ (5 out of 5)
Health: ♥♥♥ (3 out of 5)
Cost: ~RM4-5 per plate
*Rated in year 2020.

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