
Work + Passion + Balance,
for introspective and reflective thinkers,
who like to ponder in a sea

of philosophies and pensive writings,
who find calmness within the solace

of our musings;
for closet art lovers,
who find life’s purpose from the force
of the literary, culinary, performing and visual arts

Tan S. M. Amelia

Scientific Researcher | Creative Writer

Initially quiet and reserved; later laidback and easygoing; internally expressive, compassionate, independent and reflective.

Hi, I’m Amelia. I research useful compounds from the marine environment and write poems, short stories, and novels.

Because of expectations and opinions, I have ignored my artistic identity and had become a closet art lover.

Over time, I developed into a capable but internally depressed and unfulfilled scientific researcher.

Gradually, I learned the importance of embracing my passions proudly and aligning them with my goals and life purpose.

Now, I consider myself first and foremost a researcher but just as much a writer, with an obsession for pensive literary arts. Learn more about me here.

I also release non-literary artworks (mostly music) under the pseudonym of Shermay Teng during my spare time. I have personally launched, designed and maintained my websites, blogs, products and services, which you may find them below.

Personal Website

Tan S. M. Amelia


Work + Passion = Balance




Elin Editing


Which disciplines are you more passionate about? The arts or the sciences?

I love the arts, especially writing and music, since I was 13.

If you like the arts, why did you ignore your passion to pursue a scientific career instead?

Me and my family did not believe in the credibility and results of the personality tests that concluded I was creative and talented in art. Furthermore, I felt that art would be a risky and unstable career direction as you would have to be lucky to have your artworks noticed. Moreover, pursuing analytical or scientific careers like engineering, doctor, accountant or researcher was encouraged in many traditional East Asian upbringing.

How do you cope with simultaneously advancing multiple and different career directions? Did you have to sacrifice any passion or skill?

I selectively prioritise the passions and skill sets that would become my main life purpose and career direction, based on intensity, importance, and time availability, letting go of the rest that could not fit in. I am now working towards becoming a scientific researcher and creative writer, having decided to keep music composing as just a pleasurable pastime.

What is it like to pursue a scientific discipline while having an artistic or art-loving personality?

Unlike literary arts, I somewhat lack the passionate energy to fuel and motivate more time and effort toward the sciences. I am occasionally slower than some of my peers who are very analytically and mathematically minded. I had for multiple times secretly thought to no longer pursue a scientific career.

Yet overall, I have been quite competent in scientific research, also having received much recommendation and encouragement to further pursue a post-doctoral researcher or lecturer position in the future. Perhaps fortunately, my passion for creative writing somewhat contributed to my competency in analytical writing, though different yet similar they are. I believe I am on the right track and do not regret having ventured into the sciences at the beginning. I may seem to have started from the wrong foot, but I will insist on ending with my two feet on the ground.

Why do you like the arts?

I enjoy the freedom of expression whenever I create or review an art because the discipline was very subjective and pro-creativity. Furthermore, personality tests from primary or elementary school till university have always concluded that my personality and talent significantly leaned toward artistic and creativity.

Why do you like so many disciplines within the arts?

If you checked on my blog Work + Passion = Balance, you would know that I write blog content from the literary and performing arts, to the culinary and visual arts.

Literary arts is my main obsession. I like other arts because their major trait that I find most attractive also happens to be a commonality in all arts, which is the freedom of expression and lack of judgement, especially when compared to factual and logical disciplines such as science and mathematics.

What other reasons encouraged you to build your websites?

I want future employers, seniors, collaborators, clients and peers to easily find out who I am. I share my works and publications online at tansmamelia.com to also welcome more collaboration and academic or career opportunities. My blog, on the other hand, also silently speaks for me and helps people know me better since I may seem taciturn and private, sometimes even to friends and family who are closest to me.